"Attention deficit disorder"
This year in fourth, we have a course "Learning Disability" where we have been working with many interesting topics for our teacher education.
I would like to share with all my colleagues some of the characteristics of those students with attention deficit disorder.

The attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity manifested by labile attention, inability to concentrate on tasks which causes the student to miss while performing a task, you change from one task to another, this may be accompanied by hyperactivity or impulsivity, this is that students have an excess of unintentional activity, or inability to wait their turn to perform in class, talking about others, etc.. This type of disorder is generated at an early age, appearing before seven years of age, and may continue into adulthood. Children with ADHD do not have intellectual difficulties, having normal intellectual abilities, but still if you have learning difficulties due to lack of attention. The cognitive work effort of these children is greater than that of their peers.
For a child to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder hyperactive-impulsive type should show six or more of the symptoms listed below, persistent for at least six months.
I would like to share their personal experiences with students who have this kind of trouble or another.
On the internet they can find many pages that talk about all types of conditions that can hinder learning of our students.
- Played with the hands or feet, constantly moving in his chair.
- Has difficulty playing or engaging in peaceful Activities on.
- It is in constant motion or acts as if driven by a motor.
- He talks too much, throws the answers before they have been fully formulated the question.
- Has difficulty awaiting turn.
- Interrupts or disturbs others.
I would like to share their personal experiences with students who have this kind of trouble or another.
On the internet they can find many pages that talk about all types of conditions that can hinder learning of our students.
It is amazing the world of learning difficulties there. I have a student who is very imperactivo, can not stay still for a second, when I manage to sit 5 minutes after a while and is getting up and walking around the class. It is a good student, not their academic level (which is low) but it really is commitment and desire.
ResponderEliminarThank you very much for sharing your experiences with us. Today in seminary class were handled startling figures about teens with this disorder, about 30 percent of our teenagers have or have some of the characteristics of ADHD. It is alarming since our formation in my opinion is not enough for us to deal with these situations.